3678. Контрольна робота з англійської мови №4, варіант 8, НУХТ

№4, варіант 8, НУХТ, 2018 рік, 160 грн.
Нет заданного изображения
Основная цена 160,00 грн.

Контрольна робота № 4

Варіант 8

1.     Прочитайте поданий нижче текст. Дайте письмовий переклад 2, 5 та 6 абзаців.

(1) Managers in every type of organization need to devote considerable attention to the corporate strategy that can drive the business. They need to monitor factors in the near and far environments that may affect their own organization, and make appropriate plans to manage these. Strategic management can be used to determine mission, vision, values, goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities, timelines, etc.

(2) Strategic planning is a management tool, period. It is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. The strategic planning can be complex, challenging, and even messy. Because it is impossible to do everything that needs to be done in this world, strategic planning implies that some organizational decisions and actions are more important than others - and that much of the strategy lies in making the tough decisions about what is most important to achieving organizational success.

(3) The strategic planning cycle provides managers with a structure that allows them to set the organizational purpose and its current strategy and consider how the organization’s resources can be best utilized. Strategies are simply a set of actions that enable an organization to achieve results.

(4) Strategic planning is only useful if it supports strategic thinking and leads to strategic management - the basis for an effective organization. Strategic thinking means asking, "Are we doing the right thing?"

(5) Senior managers can create a corporate plan that provides the overall direction for their business and influences the tactical and operational plans that can be created for individual parts of the organization. Tactical plans support strategic plan implementation and achievement of tactical goals. They are more specific and focus on intermediate timeframes, usually one to three years. Operational plans support the implementation of tactical plans and achievement of operational goals, with timeframes of below a year.

(6) Many organizations now prepare contingency plans that help them prepare for dramatic change in their business environment. They will also carry out a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis where the understanding of the external environment is specifically related to the organization and its internal environment.
2.    Дайте анотацію поданого вище тексту (150 слів).

Дайте письмову відповідь на наступні питання.

a.    What can help senior managers make decisions?
b.    Is strategic planning used to help an organization do a better job?
c.    Does planning involve setting goals?
d.    Tactical plans are more specific and concrete, aren’t they?
e.    Are the tactical and operational plans alike? -
f.    What is the popular tool for analysis and planning?

4.    Завершіть подані нижче речення своїми словами.

a.    Strategic planning involves setting goals and deciding how to achieve them best.
b.    An organization must manage and plan strategically to develop, to receive profit and to be effective.
c.    A strategic plan should be developed when an organization is going to be start or in preparation for a new major project.
d.    SWOT analysis is a methodology of analysis and planning.
e.    Strategic decisions can be difficult to make because they have a long-range impact on the firm. It may take several months or even years to know the true effect of a strategic decision, and it is very difficult to reverse its impact.

5.     Запишіть наступні речення. Поставте їх в непряму мову. Пам’ятайте про правило узгодження часів. Перекладіть змінені речення.

1.    He said, “My wife has just been made а judge.” 
2.    “I’ll come with you as soon as I am ready,” she replied.
3.    “I have а German lesson this afternoon and I haven't done my homework yet,” said the small boy.
4.    “If you let the iron get too hot you will scorch your clothes,” I warned her.
5.    “You haven't given me quite enough. The bill is for $14 and you've paid me only $13,” he pointed out.

6.     Запишіть наступні речення. Поставте їх в непряму мову. Пам’ятайте про правило узгодження часів. Перекладіть змінені речення.

        Model:    “Where are you going?” asked Mr. Brown.
                Mr. Brown asked me where I was going.

1.    “Where is the ticket office?” asked Mrs. Jones.
2.    “What shall I do with my heavy luggage?” she said.
3.    “What platform does the train leave from?” asked Bill.
4.    “When does it arrive in York?” he asked.
5.    “When was the timetable changed?” I asked.

7.     Запишіть наступні речення (накази, прохання, запрошення). Поставте їх в непряму мову. Пам’ятайте про правило узгодження часів. Перекладіть змінені речення.

        Model:    "Please, help us!" I asked him.
                I asked him to help us.

1.    “Don't take your coat off. We are going out again in а moment,” she told him. .
2.    “Stand by the window and tell me if anyone goes into the house opposite,” he said.
3.     “Don't move till the policeman waves you on,” said the driving instructor. “Don't touch it. You will only make it worse,” he told me.
4.    “Be careful; the steps are very slippery,” I warned him.

8.     Запишіть наступні речення (Conditionals I), розкриваючи дужки. Речення перекладіть.

1.    If she (need) a vocabulary, she can (borrow) mine. -     If she needs a vocabulary, she can borrow mine.
2.    We (be late) for the train if we (not/start) at once. - We will be late for the train if we don’t start at once.
3.    If he (pay) me tonight I (have) enough money for the tickets. - If he pays me tonight I’ll have enough money for the tickets.
4.    If London airport (be) clear of fog, we (land) there. - If London airport is clear of fog, we will land there. 
5.    I’m sure they (believe) you. - I’m sure they’ll believe you.

9.     Запишіть наступні речення (Conditionals IІ), розкриваючи дужки. Речення перекладіть.

1.    I (buy) shares in that company if I (have) some money.  - I would buy shares in that company if I had some money.
2.    If he (clean) his windscreen he (be able) to see where he was going.  - If he cleaned his windscreen he would be able to see where he was going. – Якби він помив лобове скло, він би бачив куди їде.
3.    If you (drive) your car into the river you (be able) to get out? - If you drove your car into the river you would be able to get out? 
4.    If you (not/belong) to а union you (not/can) get а job. - 4. If you didn’t belong to а union you couldn’t get а job.
5.    If I (win) а big prize in а lottery I (give) up my job. - If I won а big prize in а lottery I’d give up my job.
10.      Запишіть наступні речення (Conditionals IІІ), розкриваючи дужки. Речення перекладіть.

1.    If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I (stop). - If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I should have stopped.
2.    But for the fog we (reach) our destination ages ago.  - But for the fog we would have reached our destination ages ago.
3.    If you (not/sneeze) he wouldn't have known that we were there.  - If you hadn’t sneezed he wouldn't have known that we were there.
4.    If you (put) some mustard in the sandwiches they would have tasted better. - If you had put some mustard in the sandwiches they would have tasted better. –
5.    The hens (not/get) into the house if you had shut the door. - The hens wouldn’t have got into the house if you had shut the door.
11.      Запишіть наступні речення. Перекладіть їх англійською мовою.

1.    Якщо вона прийде на вечірку сама, і там не буде нікого кого вона знає, вона буде почувати себе самотньо
2.    Молоко буде довго свіжим, якщо його поставити у холодильник
3.    Запитайте у продавця скільки я повинен буду заплатити, якщо куплю всі книги
4.    Мій брат сказав, що дуже втомився, тому що 2 години грав у теніс.
5.    Лінда мене запитала хто керує цим відділом.

Действующие акции


Рады представить Вам наши акции, с помощью которых Вы сможете значительно сэкономить Ваши денежки и отлично подготовиться к сессии!

1. Акция «Копилка». Мы ценим постоянных клиентов и предлагаем им постоянные скидки! Все наши клиенты, которые заказывают хотя бы одну работу в каждую сессию, получают постоянную личную скидку на все последующие заказы - 10 %.

2. Акция «Экономь много»! Супер предложение! Закажи 2 диплома и получи скидки 300 грн. на каждый диплом!

3. Акция «Приводи друзей!» Расскажи о нас другу, приводи его к нам и получишь 50 грн. (если друг сделает заказ работ на сумму не меньше 200 грн).

4. Акция «Летом диплом на шару!» Только летом у Вас есть возможность заказать диплом за 1500 грн.!

  • Амур
    Хочу поблагодарить за всё, Ирина! Она чудесный и справедливый человек! Она была всегда на связи! Было очень оперативно, приятно общаться!!! За 2 года Ирина ни разу не подвела меня! Все работы (курсовая, индивидуальная и дипломная работа) были сданы ...
  • Алина
    Ирочка, большое спасибо за курсовую! Защита прошла на отлично, буду Вас всем рекомендовать!!!
  • Олег
    Большое спасибо Ирине за помощь с дипломом! Вначале обратился к другим "специалистам", в итоге весь диплом был перечеркнут, исправить они так и не смогли...По совету знакомых обратился к Ирине, она фактически переписала диплом заново, в итоге защита прошла ...