3682. Контрольна робота з англійської мови,

1.Прочитати та перекласти текст
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a system which was first described by the American Peter Drucker, in 1954, in his book The Practice of Management. Since then, MBO has attracted enormous interest from the business world, and its principles have been applied in many of the world's largest companies. In his book Peter Drucker emphasized that an organization and its staff must have clear goals. Each individual must understand the goals of the enterprise he/she works for, and must make a contribution to them. It is also vital, in Drucker's view, that the individual knows what his/her manager expects of him/ her. He/she must know what sort of results he/she is expected to achieve.
If an organization uses the Management by Objective approach, it must pay careful attention to planning. This is because each individual has clearly defined objectives. And these will contribute to the overall objectives of the enterprise. With MBO, individual and organization objectives are linked. A special feature of MBO is that the subordinate participates with his/her manager in developing objectives. After these have been worked out, his/her performance, in relation to the goals, can be assessed. MBO, therefore, focuses on results. The subordinate's performance is judged in terms of how well or badly he/she has achieved his/her goals.
Various kinds of MBO systems are used in the organizations. Here is an example of how a program might work in a company:
The program consists of several stages. First, the subordinate's job is defined. Next, his/her current performance is evaluated. Then, new objectives are devel¬oped by the subordinate and his/her manager. Finally, the program is put into action. Later, there are periodic reviews of the person's performance, and his/her progress is checked.
Let us consider these phases in more detail. At the first stage, the subordinate and his/her manager define the job separately. They also rank the tasks in order of importance. Both parties then meet and discuss the statements they have made in writing. It is quite possible that they will not agree about certain aspects of the job. They discuss their differences of opinion. In the end they both have a clear idea of what the job involves.
At stage two, the subordinate and his/her manager examine each task. They try to decide how well or badly it is being performed. Again, they do this evaluation separately. They meet and discuss their assessments. All being well, the manager will have the chance to praise the subordinate for some of his/her work. On the other hand, the subordinate or the manager - or even both parties - may point out areas, where there are problems - tasks which are not performed properly.
Developing objectives comes next. The subordinate and his/her manager try to develop goals which are challenging but realistic. The manager may set per¬formance standards which can be measured or quantified. But this is not essen¬tial. The objectives probably spell out results that must be achieved. There will be dates by which the subordinate must achieve his/her goals.
The subordinate and the manager discuss the objectives and make plans for achieving them. The manager may have to help in some way, perhaps by providing more training for the subordinate or buying more modern machines.
Finally, the subordinate sets about achieving the goals. From time to time, the subordinate and the manager meet to discuss the progress. It is vital that the man¬ager receives feedback from the subordinate on performance and achievements.
There are many benefits of Management by Objectives. The system helps the subordinate to see clearly his/her role in the organization and the tasks he/she must carry out. He/she has a say in how his/her work is performed, and what his/ her goals should be. As a result he/she feels more responsible and motivated and is therefore likely to be more committed to the objectives of the organization.
MBO is a good technique for assessing an individual's performance. He/she is judged on results, rather than on personal feelings or prejudices of the man¬ager. An MBO program should lead to better coordination and communications within an enterprise. The subordinate must liaise closely with his/her manager. The manager acts as teacher and guide. The individual is encouraged to identify with the goals of the organization. Most important of all, MBO makes the indi¬vidual think of results, of the contribution he/she is making - or should make - to the enterprise. The main limitations of the system are that it is time-consuming and may create a lot of paper-work. In practice, MBO programs are often not fully supported by managements. This could be because managers are not always skilled at interviewing and giving guidance.
A few years ago, it was discovered that 70% of the 500 biggest companies in the USA were using MBO. However, a later survey showed that only 15% of the Programs were considered successful. In spite of this finding, there is little doubt that MBO has helped to increase the efficiency of both subordinates and their managers.
2.Вивчити такі слова й підставити їх у речення
enormous - extremely large
to apply - to make use of; to employ
goal - object of ambition or effort; destination; target
vital - essential, indispensable
approach - technique
to define - to give the meaning of; to describe or explain the scope of
to contribute - to give (time, money, etc.) towards a common purpose; to help to bring about a result
to assess - to estimate
in terms of - referring to
subordinate - person working under another
to provide - to supply, to furnish
to set about - to begin or take steps towards
feedback - public response to an event, experiment, etc.
benefit - favourable or helpful factor etc.
committed - dedicated; obliged
to liaise - to act as a link
3. Дати відповідь на запитання
1) What is the role of every individual in an organization?
2) Why should everу organization pay careful attention to planning?
3) How can subordinates participate with their managers in developing objectives?
4) How is the subordinate's performance judged if the organization uses the MBO approach?
5) What stages does the MBO program consist of?
6) What are the benefits of Management by Objectives?
4. Перевірити граматику й виконати завдання
Study this summary before you do the exercise that follows.
1. Present perfect and past perfect.
We use the past perfect for an action before a past time. Compare these examples:
Present Perfect (before now):
- The match is over. The Lions have won. Past PERFECT (before then):
- The match was over. The Lions had won.
2. Past simple and past perfect.
To talk about one action in the past, we use the past simple:
-I posted the letter yesterday.
When one action comes straight after another, we use the past simple for both:
- When Jack saw the bomb, he shouted a warning.
To say that one thing finished and then something else happened, we use either when………had done or after…….did/had done:
- When Carol had taken the photos, she developed the film.
- After Carol had taken (OR: After Carol took) the photos, she developed the film.
We sometimes use the past perfect with before or until:
- The ball hit the back of the net before the goalkeeper had moved.
- The chairman didn't speak until he had heard all the arguments.
Put in the verbs in the correct tense form.
1) The square looked awful. People........ litter everywhere.
2) You can have this newspaper. I....... with it.
3) There's no more cheese. We......... it all.
4) There was no sign of a taxi although I...... a half an hour before.
5) This bill isn't right. They........... a mistake.
6) I spoke to Melanie at lunch time. Someone. her the news earlier.
7) I was really tired last night. I........ a hard day.
8) Do you want to see this program? It........
9) It'll get warmer in here. I.......... the heating on.
10)At last the committee were ready to announce their decision. They ……………. up their minds.
a) leave f) tell
b) finish g) have
c) eat h) start
d) order i) turn
e) make j) make
1) The square looked awful. People had left litter everywhere.
2) You can have this newspaper. I have finished with it.
3) There's no more cheese. We have eaten it all.
4) There was no sign of a taxi although I had ordered a half an hour before.
5) This bill isn't right. They have made a mistake.
6) I spoke to Melanie at lunch time. Someone had told her the news earlier.
7) I was really tired last night. I had had a hard day.
8) Do you want to see this program? It has started.
9) It'll get warmer in here. I have turned the heating on.
10)At last the committee were ready to announce their decision. They had made up their minds.